{food for thought}
Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. {1 Thessalonians 5:16-18}

Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

paper aeroplanes

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lunch at Daddy's work place means many happy hellos & Easter bread gifting, newly tie-dyed t's & socks,
pizza & Pepsi, paper aeroplanes & positive vibes, chitter-chatter & coffee to go!
thank you for such a delightful afternoon Daddy, we love you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday :: Where Do You Hang Your Hat?

She likes to hang her's right atop those pretty blond locks :)
Really missing you all! So sorry for my long absence, hoping
to be hangin' my hat back up around here more often!!!

Much Love &
Happy Wednesday!
Christine xoxo

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday :: When You Love Someone ♥

{it can look a little like this, awwwww baby love}


{a little like this, ahhhhh brotherly love :-}
more WW: The Paper Mama, Seven Clown Circus, Supermom, My Wee View, & A Beautiful Mess

{and for b&w wednesday a little re-edit from this image}
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more b&w:
the long road

Oh & I want to give the BIGGEST thank you to Tara & Jamie over at The Trendy Treehouse
because these ladies choose my {shadow} shot as last week's number one image!!!!
Thank you so much ladies I am truly honored!!!!


ps~ let me know what ya
think of the new header?
{like or dislike}
me thinks i like Ü

Happy Wednesday!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Friendly Hearts

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"Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends." ~Cindy Lew
more wordless wednesday at: The Paper Mama, A Beautiful Mess, The Wee View, Seven Clown Circus, & Supermom!

she is such a sweet lil' bit of girl but can definitely hang with the most rambunctious of boys :)
{mmmmmm... hot cocoa made by her mommy on a cold day, just perfect}
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more b&w:
the long road

couldn't leave out the color version of course...
oh how she makes me want a sweet lil' bit of girl all my own!
but i'm lucky cause she's just down the street & i get to see her smiling face quite often.
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so much sweetness... this particular day she walked right over to me, looked up, smiled & said, "You look really pretty today."
OH! MY! heart melting!!! I happily smiled back & replied, "Why thank you! You too look pretty today & I love your pigtails & bows." :)
love it, don't ever want to forget it!

Happy Wednesday!!!
{Christmas Parade 2010}

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Word-filled Wednesday: Em{brace}ing It!

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over the past two months that's what my oldest bean has been doing... {embracing it}
see right before Thanksgiving {yeah i know right, i'm waaaaay behind in blogging!} we took a much needed trip to the dentist,
who promptly referred us to an orthodontist {that i just love} to take a look at the oldest beans chompers. if you look closely
at his top right tooth in the above image {from our trip to Carter Mtn. back in October} you can see where the tooth is kinda
growing through the gum, slight issue that has pretty much been corrected since having the braces but on his top teeth.
so where is the issue you say, well that lies beneath his tongue {see photo below this one}...
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didn't want to gross you out first thing by having my oldest beans big ol' mouth right in your face :) but as you can clearly see that tooth
decided all his own to take up residence right there behind his fellow front two chompers! doesn't he kinda look like a shark?
anyhoo we have since gone back to the orthodontist {right after Christmas}& had the bottom row put on, leaving said baby tooth
in position as a space saver until the permanent tooth is moved closer to his true home.
it should be really interesting to see how they get that stubborn little guy out of there!

but my oldest bean has been great about embracing it all...
from the terrible terrible news of no more chewy, sticky, or gooey candies {do you know how many chewy candies there are, including gum!!!}, no nuts or popcorn, no suckers or candy canes... he has happily accepted chocolate & ice cream as his new favorites & was very happy that Santa remembered such :)

to going back to have a procedure done without me {a bit of a deer in the headlights look here}...
but he did just fine & i was awarded several moments to per-ruse through a magazine!

being able to eat only soft foods for two to three days because his mouth is swollen & cut, it's hard getting used to metal in your mouth...
remember the top ones went on two days before Thanksgiving, he hardly complained!

to the worries & wonders of what his friends would think... they of course thought it was cool {how many eight year olds do you know with braces?}... he & i had an on going joke that they were his Thundercat steel teeth, if anything it at least brought a smile to his face when he was feeling a bit cheated over the situation :) he has embraced & gracefully handled it all, better than i would have at the ripe ol' age of eight.

and everyday he continues to embrace it
{um, getting hit in the face by your little brother with braces really does hit!!!}
but we are hoping by next Christmas that he will be able to shed the steel teeth & spot those straight pearly whites!

PS~ my eight year old already looked like a ten year old & he seems even older now with the braces!!! plus the other day he informed me & my hubby that he need razors so he could shave & he announced that he has spotted a few armpit arms... oh my oh my what's next!! i know, it's my car keys isn't it!

more wordless wednesday delight: The Paper Mama, A Beautiful Mess, My Wee View, Seven Clown Circus, And Miles to Go Before I Sleep, & Supermom!

and speaking of embracing... this wee one here is really starting to embrace the potty! as most days here lately have been spent diaperless we have had less & less accidents {though i did have to clean up the most unfortunate of accidents yesterday... yuck!} but he is trying with a big "YAY, we did it!" & hand clap at the end, mind you the sucker incentives are probably a slight help, hey bribing is not beyond me.
next step... working on his aim :)
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more black & white wednesday: The Long Road to China

Happy Wednesday! xoxo

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: SNOW Happy

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"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it." ~J. Prévert

Happy Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Word{Filled} Wednesday: {Pucker Up}

{**WARNING** post may make you nauseous with all the puckering up, but i promise the story & reasoning behind it are well worth hearing!}
over the past year+ i've really been honing my photography skills... since i don't have a plethora of friends or extended family here to practice on & not feeling quite prepared enough yet to be offering my services to anyone, i use my family as practice subjects {best. subjects. ever! promise i'm not being bias, maybe just a little} plus i get to really capture the moments of us at times. {long story shortened} my hubby giggles {not at me} every time i get on a roll with the pictures on our outings {& oh how he doesn't mind, he always lets me know this first} i must really love the kissing images {see why he doesn't mind :} i really have been inclined to not believe him until i started thinking about my Wordless Wednesday for this week & how i wanted to use this top image, as we are all obviously {puckering up}, then that lead into me thinking about his comment{s} so i went on a kissing expedition {if you will} through our apple picking images & i think he is right {shhh don't tell him} but i'll let you see for yourself {oh. my. how they get funnier toward the bottom, expect the last image, my favorite *squeal*} this post's completely dedicated to my hubby, so {Pucker Up Buttercup} cause if you were here right now i'd kiss you :)
love you babes!
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more WW:
My Wee ViewWordish Wednesday

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more lovelies:
Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

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{favorite daddy image ever! we love you daddy}
the beans quite enjoyed the kiss craze!
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{personal favorite}
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{definitely floatin' on cloud nine}
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more cloud9:

{and this is where they start to get a little funny}
i apparently need to learn the art of constructing a better kissy face :)
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{above & below images are just too hilarious!}
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{oh. my. favorite!}
another version here
submitting into black & white wednesday
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more b&w:
the long road

so there you have it my kissing addiction revealed,
but how can i resist those three sweet faces!
off to catch-up on my commenting
& as always a truly appreciated
thank you for yours :)
happy wednesday! xoxo