
nothing better than painted memories done by little hands :)
{silhouetted love}
he's the other half that makes me whole...
{painted doorways}
"you're the sky that i fell through & i remember the view whenever i'm holding you." ~Owl City
{a year of living positively 9/365}
{racing reflection} 
i have boys... so we have matchbox cars... lots to be exact :_P
{1981 silver}
coins seem to be an ever present in my life lately...
from fishing them out of my toddlers mouth {i know eeeewwwww!}
to helping my oldest bean with his money homework... ch- ch- change!
and i do love that the quarter has the year i was born on it :)
more creative scavenging:

Happy Sunday!
OMG!! Such awesome photography!! Love your blog.
Have a blessed day!
I have missed you and your photos soo soo much - these are gorgeous! So glad you're back!
Great photos. These are awesome. Love your first shot. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
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